Thursday, January 27, 2011

On Halo ODSTs

I can never get over how fucking badass these guys are.

They're not Spartan. They're not cool guys who aren't afraid of anything. They're entirely normal humans, and how exactly do they choose to enter battle? They go into starships, get into big metal coffins, and then the starship fires these coffins FROM SPACE directly into battlezones. And, if your coffin survives the drop from space, it busts open and you're immediately ass deep in aliens who would like nothing more than to fashion you a hat out of your lungs and a necktie out of your intestines.

Imagine the chrome-plated balls you have to have for that.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nintendinium thread

>talk about brick gameboy made of nintendium
>posts picture of gameboy advance made of shitcrapium

>DS Phat falls from pocket while riding bike
>Horror on my face when I hear it bounce
>Come back
>2 scratches on the corner
>My face

>have a DS lite
>attending a party
>we decide to shoot stuff
>my friend pulls out a minigun and unloads 300lbs of ammunition into my right leg
>leg falls off, really worried about my DS
>begin to pull it out from what used to be my pants pocket
>attractive girl shoots an RPG at me and blows off my other leg and my left arm
>pass out
>wake up in the hospital
>at least five holes in the DS and a hinge is broken
>i must play but i have one arm. gg.

a very true story that i didn't just make up
if you'll excuse me the hospital staff is going to feed me some more liquid oatmeal

>Being an ass at a pool as a kid
>GBA in pocket
>Get pushed into pool
>Gameboy falls to the bottom
>Awful swimmer, can't dive for shit
>spend 2 hours teaching myself how to dive and open my eyes underwater
>Finally retrieve gameboy
>Dry it off
>It works
>mfw I have gameboy back, I taught myself how to dive underwater, and subsequently push the asshole kid who pushed me into the water into the water.

Most alpha I ever was in my life

>waiting for bus to school
>playing gba outside in the rain
>gba slips out of hand
>hits concrete driveway
>bounces on driveway a few times
>drops into ditch full of water
>floating at the top
>get it out
>game still on and playing fine
>2 small scratches on the side from the fall

They don't make Nintendium like they used to.

>Forget that my pants has a gameboy in it
>Take it out
>Piss on it

>Let sister borrow GBA as a child
>She loses it somewhere
>Convince mom to get me a new GBA because it's obvious we're never finding the old one
>Six months later mom comes in with the lost GBA she found in the garden. The thing is trashed from the elements; there's even mud and grass clippings inside of the casing (it was see-through)
>Turn it on anyway
>It still works

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Things that annoy you in the vidya

Obvious ones like saving rockets for giant enemycrabs, 99 megalixirs, medium speed escort missions, etc.

Got me giggling, and required a post. Reminded me of Shenmue. CLEAN THESE WALLS. AIR THESE BOOKS. STARE AT JOY'S ASS.

Monday, October 4, 2010


>> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)05:13 No.74807416
downloading amnesia demo, i got pretty scared on bioshock how bad is this going to be?
>> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)05:15 No.74807485
oh dear
>> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)05:18 No.74807641
just finished downloading will probably be back soon
>> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)05:19 No.74807695
>will probably be back soon


Microsoft employee gropes girl on train

How much do those people who push passengers into trains get paid? I wanna do that shit, just pushing nips into trains all day err'y day.

>old men in japan = racist
Wait, so I can go to japan and have racist old dicks rubbed all over me?

I formally apologize to all the weeaboos here. Japan is goddamn awesome.

Someone posted a picture of Mr. Miyagi in reply to the above.

>>74802752 The schoolgirl supposedly caught him red handed
In Japan schoolgirl blouses contain sensitive dyepacks.

And because of this one word, I read your post in a Texas accent.