Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nintendinium thread

>talk about brick gameboy made of nintendium
>posts picture of gameboy advance made of shitcrapium

>DS Phat falls from pocket while riding bike
>Horror on my face when I hear it bounce
>Come back
>2 scratches on the corner
>My face

>have a DS lite
>attending a party
>we decide to shoot stuff
>my friend pulls out a minigun and unloads 300lbs of ammunition into my right leg
>leg falls off, really worried about my DS
>begin to pull it out from what used to be my pants pocket
>attractive girl shoots an RPG at me and blows off my other leg and my left arm
>pass out
>wake up in the hospital
>at least five holes in the DS and a hinge is broken
>i must play but i have one arm. gg.

a very true story that i didn't just make up
if you'll excuse me the hospital staff is going to feed me some more liquid oatmeal

>Being an ass at a pool as a kid
>GBA in pocket
>Get pushed into pool
>Gameboy falls to the bottom
>Awful swimmer, can't dive for shit
>spend 2 hours teaching myself how to dive and open my eyes underwater
>Finally retrieve gameboy
>Dry it off
>It works
>mfw I have gameboy back, I taught myself how to dive underwater, and subsequently push the asshole kid who pushed me into the water into the water.

Most alpha I ever was in my life

>waiting for bus to school
>playing gba outside in the rain
>gba slips out of hand
>hits concrete driveway
>bounces on driveway a few times
>drops into ditch full of water
>floating at the top
>get it out
>game still on and playing fine
>2 small scratches on the side from the fall

They don't make Nintendium like they used to.

>Forget that my pants has a gameboy in it
>Take it out
>Piss on it

>Let sister borrow GBA as a child
>She loses it somewhere
>Convince mom to get me a new GBA because it's obvious we're never finding the old one
>Six months later mom comes in with the lost GBA she found in the garden. The thing is trashed from the elements; there's even mud and grass clippings inside of the casing (it was see-through)
>Turn it on anyway
>It still works

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